Devices and Learning

What if my child forgets to bring their device to school?

If a student fails to bring their device to school, they are responsible for completing their course work. In many situations, the school may provide a loaner device depending on availability through the media center, but it is not guaranteed.

Will my child use their 1:1 device in every class?

Students and teachers use technology on a regular basis, and in this century having a device in class has become a lot like having a pencil every day. Teachers do a lot of collaborating, research reading, and PL on the topic of engaging and maximizing student learning with technology. We have a good balance in place of appropriate use and what that looks like in our building, but yes they should have their device -- expected for it to be used at least once throughout the school day.

Will my child be taught about digital citizenship?

We encourage teachers during core content time and advisement to model and use lessons from Common Sense Media. This has been a valuable resource since 2013. Common Sense Media also has helpful parent resources to manage technology at home.

What software programs should I expect my child to use?

Teachers use a variety of programs to support student learning. Commonly used instructional tools include (but are not limited to) Google Workspace apps (Classroom, Docs, Slides, etc.), IXL, Padlet, Kami, Canva, Nearpod, Gimkit, Kahoot, PBIS rewards app, and Quizlet. Students and families access grades using ManageBac, and attendance, fees, etc using Infinite Campus. Most student-used online resources are access via CSD LaunchPad.

What system should I expect my teacher to use to organize and house materials and instructions?

Teachers use Google Classroom to manage and share resources, and to assign work.